Finding myself in Reading on a Friday lunchtime, I decided to pop to Blue Collar Corner for some food.

Finding myself in Reading on a Friday lunchtime, I decided to pop to Blue Collar Corner for some food.
Life got in the way of my continuing vegan series, and after undertaking Veganuary, my intake of new vegan products has been much reduced.
Rather than slowly trail off, I decided to do a final summary post for the run, with a few last reviews and comments.
After my first fake bacon foray, I picked up a new variety at Holland and Barrett – THIS Isn’t Bacon.
Sod bacon, it’s cheese that is my personal vegan mountain. I love it SO MUCH.
Titling these posts is becoming a real stretch, and gives me empathy for those coming up with the actual product names. It must be an endlessly depressing meeting: the highs as a new mangled name is thought of, the lows as it is discovered to already be copyrighted.
Anyway, we’re back in the realm of faux chicken, specifically Fry’s Artisan Southern-Style Tenders.