Tag Archives: Fruit

Thailand Food Exploration: Durian

There is a substance so noxiously pervasive that car hire agreements, restaurants, hotels, public transport and a multitude of other locations ban it from coming within 1,000 paces.

The substance is durian, an edible fruit with a famously offensive smell. Mmmmmm, sounds delicious.

If that was not enough to put me off, H told me when he first tried it as a youngster in Malaysia, he was instantly and extravagantly sick. Eurk.

durian in hand

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New Zealand Food Exploration: Feijoa

The morning after we arrived in New Zealand, we lurched, jet-lagged, down an Auckland street and stumbled into a café for breakfast.

The dawning realisation that my strict food budget really wasn’t going to go that far put a severe downer on proceedings, but I perked up when I saw a bottled smoothie of an unknown fruit for sale.

The cross-section illustration on the label was disturbingly similar to a cucumber, but I was feeling optimistic and took a generous swig.


Continue reading New Zealand Food Exploration: Feijoa