As you may have gathered from the sudden arrival of posts, one of my goals for this year was to be better at updating this poor neglected blog.
Thus from big flat pancakes to adorable mini pancakes: poffertjes!
As you may have gathered from the sudden arrival of posts, one of my goals for this year was to be better at updating this poor neglected blog.
Thus from big flat pancakes to adorable mini pancakes: poffertjes!
I’m kicking off the first of my posts from a brief Amsterdam trip last year with this beauty.
Almost exactly a year after our New York + Extras trip, here is the last post!
Don’t ask 🙂 Instead be distracted by this photo… mmm, creamy goodness!
Mmmm, snacks. The food you eat when you don’t need food. Most definitely beyond sustenance and into pleasure, enjoyment and greed.
I try not to snack too much on a regular basis, but this is less due to willpower than to deliberately not having them around.
Of course all bets are off on holiday. Especially in a city with eateries of all kinds on every avenue.
American-style pies are something I am drawn to. British sweet pies are pretty tame – generally fruit of some sort between two layers of pastry. In America, pies can have chocolate, cream, custard or nuts, and are served in decadent slices. I base this on the charming and unique TV series Pushing Daisies and the movie Waitress.
So much to eat, so little time/stomach space. We had so much amazing food, but here are a few highlights.
I just have to see the word biscuit on an American menu and I get unreasonably excited. I’m not sure why I am quite so fond of these scone-like carb-fests, but there is something addictive about them.