Fresh from my previous fake fish fun, I decided to remain under the sea and try Loma Linda’s Tuno.

Fresh from my previous fake fish fun, I decided to remain under the sea and try Loma Linda’s Tuno.
This vegan imitator gave me pause for thought by the Asda chiller cabinet. Pretend chicken seems so much less perturbing than pretend fish. But I wanted to be fair, and as Squeaky Bean’s last offering had been good, I boldly went for it.
The tedious trope justifying why omnivores can’t give up meat is always bacon.
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love bacon. Smoked streaky bacon cooked on the BBQ is the best ever.
But you know, Frazzles crisps taste pretty good, and they’re vegetarian, so maybe the holy grail is now possible?
I decided to stay in the imitation poultry zone, and found some Squeaky Bean Satay Kievs in Asda.
I suffer from migraines, and as a kid, the only food I ever thought I could manage to stomach during one was cold breaded chicken.
I never did (felt too sick), but it held a mysterious appeal, especially as I rarely ever had it. I guess it offered a soothing combination of tender, chewy, minisculely-crispy, savouriness – bland but tasty.