It can’t be just me who has wondered why we only tend to cure pork products (in the UK at least). Why no beef bacon or lamb ham?
H has recently been buying meat online from Coombe Farm after a tip-off from a friend. They have some really interesting and unusual products and cuts, including Lamb Bacon.
It’s been warm and sunny over the last week, encouraging seeds to sprout and plants to shoot up. Whilst this does sadly include weeds, it also means some of my new offspring are going great guns.
Last year I left my previous career to move into horticulture. I’m very much in the learning stage at the moment, but am trying to absorb as much knowledge as possible for the future.
As you may deduce, I am particularly interested in edible plants, both cultivated and foraged. I’ve therefore decided to focus some posts on my edible gardening exploits this year.