Can something ever be TOO sweet?

It’s only recently that Cadbury Caramilk appeared in the UK, having previously been confined to Australia.
Part of the blonde chocolate trend that seems to be having an upsurge at the moment, I tried the unadulterated version and found it unbelievably sweet. White chocolate is sickly enough, but caramelising it somehow doubled-down on the effect.
When I was fortunate enough to be in a B&M Stores recently, knowing they occasionally stocked Australian Cadbury, I rifled the shelves and came up with a few gems. One of these was Caramilk Hokey Pokey.
I’m not sure who thought the thing missing from a Caramilk was hokey pokey (honeycomb to Brits), but it must purely have been for textural reasons. Any taste was wholly buried under the baseline sweetness of the bar.
To be fair to its inventor, I’m not sure what I would have gone with, but surely something less sweet would be a starting point. There is an Australian Caramilk Breakaway (wafer), which I think is a good step. Perhaps a bland rich tea biscuit or a twist on the existing Dairy Milk Oreo would work?
I love sugar, but this was too much for me. Be warned.