Tag Archives: Dessert

Malaysia Food Exploration: Penang Dessert Houses

For some reason I experienced an incredible sweet tooth while in Penang, which led to my trawling the internet for good places to get desserts. I narrowed things down to a couple of cafés we could walk to from our hotel, and we managed to make it to both of them (the nearer one twice) during our stay.

Both offered desserts of Chinese origin rather than the well-known Malaysian culprits of cendol and ais kacang, and we had some interesting and delicious experiences.

sweet potato tong yuan

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Malaysia Food Exploration: Ais Kacang

There’s no way to hide the fact that this dessert has a face only a mother could love.

To be fair, I have seen some elegant presentations where a towering cone of shaved ice is drizzled with syrup and dotted with beans, jelly and other toppings, but I still find it hard to face a bowlful head-on and think “yum!”.

ais kacang

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Malaysia Food Exploration: Cendol

Since my Thailand post indicating my suspicion of coconut milk desserts, and my subsequent retraction, I have happily been eating the odd dessert of this type here and there.

Cendol (pronounced “chendol”) is another such creation, though this time pushing me to the limit with the addition of beans.


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New Zealand Food Exploration: Custard Squares/Slices

What is your ultimate comfort food?

I have a few contenders, but one of the strongest has to be custard.

Hot custard poured on the side of puddings, cold leftover custard set into a lump in the bowl, pastry-cream-filled eclairs, nutmeg-dusted custard tarts; I love them all. So when I read about Denheath Custard Squares, I made of note of the stockists so I couldn’t miss out.

custard cube

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