Fries/chips/frites/patatje – chop a potato into straws and deep-fry it and you are on to a winner.
I looked into “must-eat” foods before we went to Amsterdam, and something that came up repeatedly was chips topped with mayonnaise, satay sauce and raw onion.

Continue reading Dutch Food Exploration: Patatje Oorlog →
Around the tender age of 7, H lived for a few years in Den Haag.
Since I have known him, he has had a fondness for stroopwafel – two thin chewy biscuitty rounds sandwiched with sugary syrup.
They were therefore a must-find on our Amsterdam visit.

Continue reading Dutch Food Exploration: Stroopwafel →
It was early spring when we were in Amsterdam, and it was cold enough to warrant a hearty meal or two.

Continue reading Dutch Food Exploration: Hotchpotch →
As you may have gathered from the sudden arrival of posts, one of my goals for this year was to be better at updating this poor neglected blog.
Thus from big flat pancakes to adorable mini pancakes: poffertjes!

Continue reading Dutch Food Exploration: Poffertjes →
I’m kicking off the first of my posts from a brief Amsterdam trip last year with this beauty.

Continue reading Dutch Food Exploration: Pannenkoeken →
Documenting food finds for fellow food-lovers