I am incredibly happy that there are all manner of exotic advent calendars in existence now.

I am incredibly happy that there are all manner of exotic advent calendars in existence now.
If you want a delicious, cheap and occasionally gently amusing meal, I feel obligated to recommend The Gallery Restaurant in Farnborough.
A long time ago I wrote a brief post highlighting some of my favourite London cocktail bars.
I feel bad.
I have not written a post in two months, and I’ve barely written any this year.
It’s not that I don’t have anything to post about, nor that I don’t have the time. I just don’t seem to have gotten around to it.
My crapness aside, let’s talk about Street Feast.
I’m painfully conscious that I’ve not posted for a while.
Don’t imagine for a minute I’ve been nowhere worth writing about. I’ve just been incredibly bad at remembering to take photos, distracted by the fun and games of Christmas and also been buying a house.
I shall compensate with a whistle-stop tour of some of the highlights.