Although I’m certain I have eaten this in the past, Japanese Cheesecake simultaneously feels like something I could have imagined eating from seeing photos.

Although I’m certain I have eaten this in the past, Japanese Cheesecake simultaneously feels like something I could have imagined eating from seeing photos.
About six months ago, a friend of H’s returned from a visit to Japan, and one of the things he brought back was a very unusual selection of KitKats. Now, finally, I have got around to finishing the write-up!
I’m a regular old-fashioned KitKat fan. 4 slim sticks welded together, or sometimes a 2-finger version for a snack. Dark chocolate, chocolate orange, KitKat Chunky – neither these nor their brethren appeal.
However we have nothing like the flavours you can get in Japan. The ones I was lucky enough to try are just the tip of an exotic iceberg.