Because everything wants to eat you. However if you’re very lucky, sometimes the thing that gets to eat you is me, rather than an insect, squirrel, bird, deer or other.

That said, even though my basil is hiding out in the greenhouse, a slug or snail has still snuck in and munched on a few leaves. I can’t blame it – what a luscious sight.
Elsewhere, the deer has been nibbling off the young shoots of raspberries, oca, apple and roses. I’ve run out of net and have resigned myself to high losses.

On a more positive note, the above may look like a plant magic eye, but if you relax and unfocus, you can make out the 3 sisters doing their best. Plus more netting 🙂
I’ve also snuck a 4th sister in with them, some Physalis franchetti ‘Dwarf’.

This isn’t bringing anything to the mix, it’s just the only space I had. I have grown physalis (sometimes called cape gooseberries) before and they were pretty straightforward and didn’t get attacked too much. They’ve got some way to go yet, but I’m hoping for a few fruits.